XWin: losing focus; killing it

Alexander Gottwald Alexander.Gottwald@s1999.tu-chemnitz.de
Tue Dec 23 03:28:00 GMT 2003

fergus@bonhard.uklinux.net wrote:

> I have done my best with recent topic-related comms (2001, 2003 mainly) but
> still need a hand if anybody can help.
> For reasons I really don't want to alter, I prefer to start XWin after
> opening a bash console, and not from Windows (Start -> Run -> ... or a
> command prompt). So, I start bash. At the bash prompt I write
>     XWin -nolisten local -multiwindow &
> as a preface to
>     rxvt -display localhost:0.0
> but I find that after "XWin ..." the console loses focus and I need to

This is a windows functionality. But you might suppress that by starting xwin
minimized (maybe cygstart does this)

> regain ownership with a mouse click; then I can go ahead with "rxvt ...". Is
> there a switch or qualifier I can add/ subtract to the "XWin ..." command to
> keep ownership?

The is no such option.

> My second question is: how kill a running XWin? Presently I do "ps" followed
> by "kill <appropriate PID>" but this needs user input, and I'd prefer a
> single command that meant "<kill the presently running XWin>". Can anybody

Have you ever heard of a command which kills any running Excel instance? The
command kill is for cases where you want to terminate a program from an
external command. You could of course build a shellscript which fetches all
program ids of Xwin processes from the ps output and feed that to kill but
there is (currently) no program which does this for you.

 http://www.gotti.org           ICQ: 126018723

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