Focus problem with -multiwindow

David Arnstein
Fri Feb 28 16:33:00 GMT 2003

When I use the -multiwindow option in XWin, I get an intermitent focus 
problem.  What happens is one of the windows will get the keyboard 
focus and won't let it go, no matter what.  This makes all other 
windows useless.

I don't know what triggers this behavior, but netscape seems to have
something to do with it.

Any suggestions?

Here is my file:

#! /usr/bin/bash
export PATH=/usr/X11R6/bin:/cygdrive/j/Bin:/cygdrive/j/Bin32:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/cygdrive/h/MKS/bin:/cygdrive/h/MKS/bin/x11:/cygdrive/h/MKS/mksnt:/cygdrive/k/Program\ Files/Resource\ Pro\ Kit/:/cygdrive/i/WINNT/system32:/cygdrive/i/WINNT

eval `ssh-agent`

# Cleanup from last run.
rm -rf /tmp/.X11-unix

# Start the X Server.
XWin -screen 0 1280 1024 -ac -nopn -multiwindow &
sleep 12

# Start clipboard server
xwinclip &

# Start an xterm.
xterm -n `hostname` -j -ls -sb -sl 500 -rightbar +cn -cb \
    -bg black -fg white -geometry +361+0 -e bash &
David Arnstein

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