More on my problem with installing XFree86 on Win2000

Chizhik, Andrew
Fri Feb 28 19:08:00 GMT 2003

After some digging around and manual unzipping and untaring, I've narrowed
down my installation problem to this: I can't make a directory named "fonts"
in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11, which is where it would be put by the installer. The
funny thing is that if I were to call it "font", it works just fine. When I
try to mkdir, I get the following error:

AnChizhik@NY02WDELC1C0801 ~
$ cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/

AnChizhik@NY02WDELC1C0801 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11
$ ls
XErrorDB      app-defaults  fs        proxymngr  x11perfcomp  xkb
XKeysymDB     config        lbxproxy  rgb.txt    xdm
XftConfig     doc           locale    rstart     xedit        xserver
app-defaults  etc           mwm       twm        xinit        xsm

AnChizhik@NY02WDELC1C0801 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11
$ mkdir fonts
mkdir: cannot create directory `fonts': no medium

If I create the folder in Windows Explorer, the creation works fine, and if
I do "ls", the folder name shows up. However, if I try to do ANYTHING to it
in Cygwin, it gives me a "No such file or directory" error.

Does anyone know what this stuff means? Is there some specific information
about my system/setup that I could give that would help in figuring out this

Thanks in advance.

Andrew Chizhik

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