.bat from xterm opens cmd.exe window

McEligot, Sean (contractor) McEligotS@MTMC.ARMY.MIL
Wed Jan 8 19:22:00 GMT 2003

Lately, running batch files (and perhaps other programs) from xterm or rxvt
have been opening new cmd.exe windows. they used to output directly to the
xterm console. To recreate from xterm run:

echo sleep 10 > test.bat

On my machine, a cmd.exe window pops up for 10 seconds then disappears.

What I expect to happen is the xterm would run the batch file without
popping up a new window and any output would go  to the xterm.

I'm posting to cygwin-xfree because only xfree users are affected, but the
bug/feature may be in cygwin itself.


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