Minor patches for xoncygwin

Colin Harrison colin.harrison@virgin.net
Tue Jul 8 08:23:00 GMT 2003


Here's my collection of minor patches for xoncygwin (SourceForge CVS).
Mostly related to multiwindow mode.

1) Now we have only one timer for out-off client mouse communications, I've
reworked Earle's mouse-up fix into the latest code. Combined with a
reduction in the polling time from 500 to 10ms this gives a much better
mouse response for me and fixes the mouse button-up problems. I've only
tried this on XP and if used on win98 etc, polling will only reduce down to
50ms. I've tried a hook solution to this (using a dll compiled via Visual
Studio) and didn't get much of an improvement on this easier (but inelegant)
fix. The dll hook suffers the complication of needing to be compiled in
cygwin (which I never tried!) and, for me, was not always consistent in
feeding the messages for all mouse movement (I'm still looking into why).

Earle's patch was:-

2) An addition of '&' to give a 'hot key' for the 'Always On Top' system
menu command.

3) Rework of Ralf's window title modifier to be consistent with all of
XWin's titlers (i.e. with XDMCP and the tip on the tray icon). This appends
(Ralf prepended) display and screen to the title.

Ralf's patch was:-

None of this stuff is earth shattering, but it all works for me and has been
in constant use for weeks!

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