I think You all might be interested..

Administrator admin@ecurrencyexchange.com
Mon Jul 28 14:10:00 GMT 2003


Interweb Gold Investment Program is a short term, high yield investment private program,
backed up by FOREX and NASDAQ
trading, and
investing in various funds and global market activities. Profits from these investments are
used to enhance our program and
increase its stability for the short term and long term.

IwGIP offers you the opportunity to earn a daily COMPOUNDED interest rate of 1%  on all funds
deposited by all of our

This program is an investment opportunity. NOT A GAME. 

Our system is FULLY automated, including deposits and withdrawals.

The returns are all generated from actual investments.

The money you invest is re-invested in both domestic and offshore high yield opportunities. 

No market fluctuations, no ups and downs of the market and no losses.

As a private company, we decided to share a part of our profits to our members, which gives
you the opportunity of making a
significant benefit on your investment. We work principally on the FOREX exchange where we
have been trading for many years.
With our experience in the high yield investment industry, we can guarantee ourselves an
average daily profit of 4% to 6%
which gives us a safe protection in case of hard times. 
This program is not a game, it is an investment. The returns are all generated from real-life
investments. The money you
invest is re-invested on your behalf and it is your invested money that will bring you the
larger returns.

IwGIP gives you referral commission if you refer us to other people. 

We give you 10% referral fee for each spend made to our account. 

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