-multiwindow crashes XWin.exe, twm does not

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Wed Jul 30 18:44:00 GMT 2003


Thomas L Roche wrote:

> Thomas L Roche 06:25 PM 7/29/2003
>>>So I installed that package from setup.exe and tried:
>>>* start XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -unixkill
>>>  No change: I still get the startup dialog, then a GPF.
>>>* start XWin -multiwindow -unixkill
>>>  Same: dialog, then GPF.
> "Earle F. Philhower III" Tue, 29 Jul 2003 22:11:10 -0700
>>Do you have a build environment set up?
> No. How is one done?

Check this part of the Contributor's Guide to get the source:


Note: You must have at least the cvs and openssh packages in order to 
get the source.

>>If so, a compile in debug mode of XWin.exe followed by a run of it
>>in gdb should narrow things down to a specific function.
> Sounds reasonable.

Next, follow the instructions in the Native Compiling section to build a 
debug version of the tree:



P.S. You are a good sport, so I updated the Contributor's Guide 
instructions that tell how to get the source code... they used to 
advocate using pserver, but that is now no longer advised and a 
password-free ssh method is available and preferred.  The new 
instructions tell how to use the ssh method.

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