taskbar and system tray menus

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Mon Jun 2 18:25:00 GMT 2003


Let me rephrase this:

1) Move 'Always On Top' to the top of the system menu, instead of 
putting it at the bottom.

2) Move 'Exit' from the top of the notification tray icon menu to the 

Those sound doable and they both sound like standards that other Windows 
apps follows.  I think they should be done.


Jack Tanner wrote:

> I know this is really, really nitpicky, and inconsequential in 
> comparison with the great work recently done on Xfree (thank you folks 
> enormously!), but still: can the context menu for all X clients be 
> re-ordered such that the Exit option is bottom-most? (For example, see 
> the context menus for any application not in the system tray.)
> On a related note, can the context menu for the system tray icon be 
> re-ordered the same way?
> My motivation for this request is that I'm simply very used to closing 
> applications by right-clicking and picking the last option on the list, 
> which is where my mouse pointer already happens to be.
> -JT

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