Multiwindow request

Earle F. Philhower III
Tue Jun 3 03:14:00 GMT 2003

Howdy Igor...
At 11:05 PM 6/2/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>Umm, Earle, you didn't quote the complete message.  The shortcut is almost
>what I was suggesting in the first part of it (quoted below):
>At 04:12 PM 6/2/2003 -0400, I wrote:
> > IMO, the ability to start clients is the function of the window manager.
> > I know fvwm provides such, and so do KDE and CDE.  In multiwindow mode,
> > the window manager is native windows (Explorer?), which has its own start
> > menu and its own desktop management, so those are the tools that should be
> > used to start new clients.  The only way in which the Explorer WM is
> > different from the traditional WMs (like fvwm, etc) is that it's not aware
> > of the DISPLAY value (which may or may not be a problem).
>                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>The reason I wrote the second part (which you did quote) was that the
>Explorer context menu would not know the value of DISPLAY to set for the
>X clients it would start...  An X client would, of course, know it.  BTW,
>that value is not necessarily "<mymachine>:0.0"...
>IIRC, Cygwin already requires some version of IE to be installed on 95 to
>function correctly (it may even be IE4, have to check the code).

Sorry, I didn't mean to misquote you.  But your local host and display # is
always the same, no?  Especially under Windoze where your desktop doesn't
follow you like a SunRay or just a plain XDCMP session?  My work machine is
always xx.yy.zz:0.0, and my home is always bigearle:0.0.  If you use -display
in the xterm command line, it imports that environment variable into its shell
so clients started from that xterm automatically pick the correct display.
In fact, a shortcut like that's what I have in my work setup, and that's what
commercial apps like eXceed do (of course, eXceed 8.0 also hangs more often
than XWin but that's what you're paying the $$$ for 8P)...

-Earle F. Philhower, III
  cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel

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