Build from Sourceforge Xoncygwin

Colin Harrison
Wed Jun 4 16:34:00 GMT 2003


I just finished building XWin from the SourceForge xoncygwin cvs.
I took the HEAD xc and made World.

I hacked the build through, on the hoof as it were, to get sufficient dll's
and an exe for XWin to run.

Some things I had to 'work around':-

1) Various missing links out from exports/include/X11 to various .h files in
lib/X11 and sub-directories, stopped compilation in XWin.

2) Various makes were not happening in lib's including X11, Xext, Xt, Xmu,
ICE, SM, Xmuu..some Imakefiles were older than the Test91 ones and Makefiles
were not being generated. This stopped the .dll exports appearing and
prevented XWin linking.

Not too bad on the whole...and at least I'm now seeing the:-
winSelectionCallback - Selection changed! trace!

Instead of just hacking through the make I'll have I more detailed look if I
have time and come up with fixes.

I always like to ring fence things first before doing a proper job!



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