Running GIMP under Cygwin (not Win32!)??

Harold L Hunt II
Mon Mar 3 16:04:00 GMT 2003


I can't say that I have compiled the GIMP.  Some have compiled gtk and 
glib, but there are various compromises that must be made in doing so. 
(Last I checked, these libraries could only be built for static 
linking... but that may have changed with the 2.x series).  Do a search 
of the mailing list archives (link at, or Google for 
how to compile Gnome for Cygwin.  You should find information from Steve 
Obrien (If I recall his name correctly) that will be of use to you.

Good luck,


Chris Olive wrote:
> I posted this question to the cygwin mailing list last week, and someone on that list referred me here and said he cross-posted for me.  I didn't hear anything from his "cross-post," so I'm trying again...
> It would seem it's at least possible to run The GIMP under Cygwin/XFree.  Try as I might, I can't get it to work.  Specifically, I can't get some of the necessary pre-requeistes to configure and make properly (glib, GTK+, etc.)  Has ANYONE gotten GIMP to work under Cygwin, and if so, specifically what steps did you take to get it to work?  I've done a lot of research on this before asking the question, and there is bare mention of this on the web -- I see NO WHERE where anyone claims that this works.  Essentially, there is no SOLID information ANYWHERE on getting this to work.
> I am interested only in running GIMP under Cygwin/XFree -- I am NOT interested the Win32 version of GIMP!  Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> -----
> Chris Olive
> chris[at]technologEase[dot]com

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