XWin.exe version information

Pablo Halpern phalpern@halpernwightsoftware.com
Thu Mar 6 19:47:00 GMT 2003

At 11:54 AM 3/6/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>On Thu, 6 Mar 2003, Pablo Halpern wrote:
> > [snip]
> > P.P.S. Is there some way other than running cygwin setup that I can
> > determine the version of my XWin.exe program?
>"cygcheck -c | grep XFree"
>This will only determine the version of the XFree package, not the
>XWin.exe program (though they are related), but it's the same info you
>would get from setup, in any case.

Thanks. I assume its the XFree86-xserv line that I'm most interested in? 
(No need to reply unless I'm wrong.)

- Pablo

Pablo Halpern                       phalpern@halpernwightsoftware.com
Halpern-Wight Software, Inc.      http://www.halpernwightsoftware.com

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