CPU Usage 100% XWin <-> 'System'

Tino Lange Tino.Lange@isg.de
Fri Mar 14 22:11:00 GMT 2003


Today I tried installing and using Cygwin XFree86 to connect to my Linux
box with KDE via XDMCP.
Great work, I could manage to set all up in just a few moments! Thanks a

But I realized that it's really a big task for my PC, with Exceed (old,
v 6.02) I had about 8 MB Memory Usage and just a few CPU cycles. Now
XWin uses 10 MB, that's OK. But the overall CPU usage goes up to 100%!
Interesting - it's not XWin.exe that uses that much of my CPU, it's
'System' (PID 8), i. e. the Windows 2000 Generic System process. System
(using 216 kB) and Xwin are on the top of the list, toggling, together
consuming 100%. If I stop XWin then everything will drop to the usual
some percent again.

Is that normal? That much of CPU usage?
I'm using the lastet XFree86 with Cygwin 1.3.20 on Windows 2000, on
request I'll post cygcheck.out, if you like to have one for more
information. I connect to a Linux box (SuSE 7.1) with KDE 2.2.2.

Thanks a lot!
Best regards


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