[PATCH] XFree86-lib.sh

Brian Ford ford@vss.fsi.com
Thu Mar 27 19:20:00 GMT 2003

Attached is a new XFree86-lib.sh.  Changes:

1.) Don't accidentally try to move directories that have already been
2.) Clean up bad links left by previous scripts.
3.) Comments and better readability.

Sorry about the previous one.  It was not properly tested.

Brian Ford
Senior Realtime Software Engineer
VITAL - Visual Simulation Systems
FlightSafety International
Phone: 314-551-8460
Fax:   314-551-8444
-------------- next part --------------

Xconfig=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11 # obsolete base dir
etcXconfig=/etc/X11	   # new base dir

mkdir -p $etcXconfig # assure new base dir exists

# subdirs to move
subconfigs="app-defaults fs lbxproxy proxymngr rstart twm xdm xinit xsm xserver"
for dir in $subconfigs; do

    Xdir=$Xconfig/$dir       # obsolete subdir
    etcXdir=$etcXconfig/$dir # new subdir

    mkdir -p $etcXdir # assure new subdir exists

    # Move to new location if not already there
    if test ! -L $Xdir && test -d $Xdir; then
	tar -cf - -C $Xdir . | tar -xvpUf - -C $etcXdir && \
	rm -rf $Xdir

    ln -sf $etcXdir $Xconfig/ # assure compatibility link exists

    # Clean up bad links left from old/buggy scripts
    if test -L $Xdir/$dir; then
	rm -f $Xdir/$dir

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