[ANNOUNCEMENT] Server Test 82

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Thu May 1 17:41:00 GMT 2003

Biju G C wrote:
> --- Harold L Hunt II <huntharo@msu.edu> wrote:
>>In some instances the mouse pointer does not show when the mouse is over 
>>the Exit confirmation dialog box.  I will fix that eventually.
> When mouse disappears no way u can move from the "Exit" to "Cancel" button 
> using keyboard. I tried "Escape", "Tab", "C", "Arrow", "Home", "End", 
> "Page up/dn" keys.

Right.  Fixed.

> So you have to be "David Copperfield" if you want click "Cancel"
> when mouse disappers
> But "Enter" key works for Exiting
> I faced mouse disappearing when I followed these step
> (I have DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 set in windows env variable)
> 1. XWin-Test82 -ac -multiwindow
> 2. run xterm
> 3. [play around in multiwindow mode]
> 4. run openbox [for making root window clicks]
> 5. [play around]
> 6. [Exit xterm]
> 7. [show rootwindow]
> 8. [exit openbox]
> 9. [hide rootwindow]
> 10 ..... mouse disappeared over tray icon menu.
> 11 ..... but you can right click and navigate 
> 12 ..... so tried to exit
> 13 ..... no mouse over exit dialogue
> Harold,
> Why not [show/hide rootwindow] all the time, 
> ie regardless of -multiwindow or -rootless or nothing.

Because in MultiWindow mode the root window is a seperate window from 
all other windows and it can be hidden and shown.  In non-MultiWindow 
modes the root window is the only window (even in -rootless mode) and it 
doesn't make any sense to show it or hide it.

In Rootless mode we can't show/hide the root window because it is always 
being shown (even though you don't see it), it is just being clipped to 
the shape of the displayed X Clients.  We might eventually be able to 
turn off the clipping of the root window to, in effect, show it or hide 
it.  However, I have not had time to look into that.

In all other modes (not -rootless and not -multiwindow), the root window 
is the only thing you get.  Doesn't make any sense to show it or hide it.

> sometimes -multiwindow with a window manager give problem
> while draging window, and taskbar icons are also missing

NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!  You CANNOT run a separate window manager with 
-multiwindow.  MultiWindow mode runs its own internal window manager. 
May lightning strike you down if you continue to do this  ;)  Really, 
please stop it.

> but -rootless with a window manager is ok

That is the whole idea.  Rootless is when you are using an X window 
manager.  MultiWindow is like Rootless but it uses an internal MS 
Windows-based window manager.  This is why you cannot use an external 
window manager with MultiWindow and it is why it makes no sense (and was 
not a design consideration) to run Rootless and MultiWindow together.

> cheer
> Biju
> Ref:- For ShowInTaskbar 
> in microsoft C++
> public: __property bool get_ShowInTaskbar();
> public: __property void set_ShowInTaskbar(bool);
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfSystemWindowsFormsFormClassShowInTaskbarTopic.asp

That is for the .NET Framework Class Library, which isn't even close to 
how this is done in C.  The .NET Framework Class Library provides a nice 
architecture that does a lot of the boilerplate stuff for you... in C 
you get to do all of that on your own (that's why seemingly simple 
things like moving between buttons on the dialog are actually complex).


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