"no buffer space available" on Win2K [cgf, please comment]

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Fri May 2 16:57:00 GMT 2003


Vince Hoffman wrote:
> If its of any interest i can now definatley duplicate my problem on my box
> without involving X at all. (It does seem to involve cygwin but i'm hoping i
> can verify that and get something more concrete before i start bugging any
> lists again.)

Yes, I did a search on google for Cygwin and WSAENOBUFS last night:

(Note: You will need to look at "cached" copies of most links.)

This turned up a wealth of info, including the fact that this problem 
has struck XWin.exe before.  We had applied a fix that had mostly taken 
care of the problem, but it apparently did not completely fix the 
problem.  Cygwin's DLL has also been changed in response to this problem 
a few times in the past.  The way I see it, one of two things is happening:

1) Kylix exemplifies that the problem in either XWin.exe or Cygwin 
proper was never completely fixed.  Rather, the problem always existed 
but only a few applications can cause it to occur.

2) There has been a regression in Cygwin proper or XWin.exe.  I kind of 
doubt the latter since the original fix that was applied is still in my 
local tree.

Of these two, I feel that #1 is most likely.  Someone that monitors 
Cygwin proper more closely will need to comment on whether #2 is likely 
based on recent changes.  [Chris - Got any input?]

Note that the google search above returns lots of info about how this 
problem has exemplified itself in other apps running on Cygwin, notably 
squid.  So, while the problem may not be isolated to XWin.exe, we can 
still probably try to do something on our part that will minimize the 
impact of the problem.  That will require lots of code auditing and 
debugging, which I am not sure will happen.


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