webwasher and xfree

Kai kai_miguel@gmx.de
Thu May 8 20:32:00 GMT 2003

Hi there...
I am using cygwin and XFree on a win xp machine. I really am enjoying it 
normally. But the moment I start the webfiltering programm webwasher, 
everything under X runs really slowly, which is quite unnerving, because 
especially if I´m online (the moment the webwasher comes useful) I use 
X-forwarding to access a remote machine. It has nothing got to do with 
my computer, because all other windows-processes keep up working fine 
and there is also enough memory and power left. As webwasher works as a 
proxy-engine, it might be, that X and the webwasher are using some same 
port. I already changed the port webwasher is using from 8080 to 80, but 
that did not work, so my idea might or better seems to be wrong.

Has anybody got any suggestions, what I could do?

Thanks a lot (, I am bloody stupid regarding X,)

P.S.:  I tried twm and fvwm as windowmanagers which did not change the 
slow X ...

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