Earle F. Philhower III
Sat May 17 21:46:00 GMT 2003

Howdy Colin...
At 09:34 PM 5/17/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>You are right. When the window auto-scrolls hitting the enter key stops it!
>Closing the xterm with 'exit' in the xterm, not the 'X' widget or 'X Close'
>in the window seems to cause the problem.

I couldn't get that to happen, but here's a bulletproof way of making it
. run xterm, click in the window to make it active
. hold down return key
. without releasing return, click on another app window or the desktop
. release return while watching xterm scroll like a banshee

This has been there probably forever, what is needed is for the Windows
thread to keep track of what buttons and keys it has said are down to X11,
and when it gets an app deactivate message to send XK_KEYUP and XK_BUTTONUP
or whatever.  That would fix the scrollbar in xterm too which follows your
mouse if you leave the window while dragging and run another Windoze app.

Until then you should be good just hitting return or clicking thw
aruck mouse button in any X window if you get stuck in a loop...

-Earle F. Philhower, III
  cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel

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