xterm is a console program?

Early Ehlinger early@respower.com
Mon May 19 18:05:00 GMT 2003

"Christopher Faylor" <cgf-rcm@cygwin.com> wrote:
> >task.  See
> >
> >http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/freeware/procexp.shtml
> >
> >Which appears to display the process tree on windows 9x and NT/2k/xp.  I
> >haven't tried it on 9x, since I have no 9x boxes (275 computers and not a
> >single one running Windows 9x :-) , but the page suggests that it will
> >there.  Perhaps somebody with a downrev Windows version will take the
> >to try it out and report the results back here?
> And what will that prove?

It would prove that one can implement a getppid on Windows.  If you can
build the process tree, you can search said tree for the current process and
then backstep once to get to the parent.  Not an O(1) operation, granted,
but still doable.

> >An alternative solution could be to have cygwin1.dll check a special
> >environment variable, say "PTY_CONSOLE_HANDLE" which would be
> You're proposing a lot ideas and work just to avoid the annoyance of a
> console flashing.  You're also treading on territory where other
> talented people have trod.
> If you want to see change, your best bet is to start producing patches
> rather than speculating and offering ideas.  We're all pretty imaginative
> people here.  We can all imagine ways that this could be fixed.  What
> is needed is someone to actually provide the work.

Thank you very much for the sermon :)

I speculate and offer ideas because I am currently bogged down to the point
where I cannot implement them.  I offer them up to the community on the off
chance that they may spark an idea in somebody's mind (perhaps even somebody
with more time than I who wants the same features I do).  If nobody picks
them up before I find the time and energy, then I'll give them a go.

It's not the annoyance of a console flashing; it's the annoyance of a
console appearing and *REMAINING* for the duration of the X client's
lifetime.  Very different problems.  A console appearing for a few seconds
would not be a big deal.

Sure, people have tread this territory - my search brought me to the
sysinternals link above.  If you notice, I was responding to a portion of
Karl Waclawek's message where he was pondering the ability to find the
parent process's ID in Windows.  I merely suggested that it might be doable
on all cygwin-supported Windows flavors and offered a pointer to a resource
that claims to do it.

And BTW, I've actually contributed some time to developing patches - you
have me to thank for the new tray icon as well as the lack of a taskbar
entry in -multiwindow mode.

> I will give you a hint that I'll never accept a proposal that involves
> setting a PTY_CONSOLE_HANDLE environment variable however.

Why not?  It would be perfectly reliable and quite transparent to the
program if the runtime hid it from the program.  Granted, PTY_CONSOLE_HANDLE
might be somewhat prone to name clash, but you could use a variable with a
guid in its name or something similar instead, e.g.:


-- Early Ehlinger CEO, ResPower Inc - Toll-Free : 866-737-7697
-- www.respower.com -- 500+ GHz Supercomputer Starting At USD$0.50/GHz*Hour

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