XWin-Test86: (New Window's title Code Is great)

Bovy, Stephen J STEPHEN.Bovy@ca.com
Sat May 24 00:18:00 GMT 2003

I love the new features being added.

The windows title update is the latest and greatest,

But I have noticed something::::

I have a bash prompt like this:

export PS1='\[\e]0;\h \@ [\W]\a\e[34;42m\][\w]\[\e[0m\]\n\$'

Which should cause the window title to change, every
time I change directories.  But that does not seem to be working as

Keep up the good work....


I have been trying to figure out how to configure bash,
so that the "insert" key will toggle "overwrite-mode"

I cant figure out how to get it working....

I just get a "~" and a beep when I press the "insert" key

Here is what my ".inputrc" looks like:

set convert-meta off
set meta-flag on
set output-meta on
DEL: delete-char
"\xf63": overwrite-mode

Is there a special xterm recourse I have to set to get
this to work ????

Do I have to change my xmodmap ?????

Boy all this stough is so complicated, I wish it wasn't so hard....

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