obstacle running "cygwin" (communicating with Solaris 8, Sparc) ...

Andreas (privat) querra@gmx.de
Tue Nov 4 18:44:00 GMT 2003


it's my intention to start a remote login-process at the solaris-pc via
cygwin. Unfortunately the
login-session is always interrupted. Cygwin is only able to depict a black
screen (including the mouse cursor). Nothing else occurs ... I figured out the
same behaviour while using realvnc. After - let's say - 30 seconds the
vncserver terminates itself with the following error message:

XDMCP fatal error: login failed .... (something like that).

I've already checked the Xaccess-file ... without success. Does anyone know
a solution? It should be mentioned that the login-process has already been
working since some months. It has to stay relation with more or less conscious
modifications to the Solaris-PC. But where should I take a look at?

Much thanks in advance! Bye Querra

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