Updated: XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-22

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Sun Nov 9 23:22:00 GMT 2003


The XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-22 package has been updated in the Cygwin


Server source, direct link:
http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/xwin/server/xwin-20031109-1622.tar.bz2 (130

xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xwin (all files) diff against 4.3.0-20 source code:
(17 KiB)


1) win.h, winkeybd.c, winmultiwindowwndproc.c, winwndproc.c - Remove
winStoreModeKeyStates () function and stop storing mode key state
within the hw/xwin layer.  Instead, query the internal X Server mode
key state, when we know that no key press/release events are pending,
and send key press/release events to get that state in sync with the
Windows mode key states.  This removes the possibility that the
hw/xwin and internal X Server mode key state vectors would get out of
sync.  This is also a general cleanup that utilizes more existing code
and removes some Cygwin-specific code.  (Takuma Murakami)

2) winwndproc.c - Catch WM_ENDSESSION message and perform clean
shutdown.  (Takuma Murakami)

3) winwndproc.c - WM_*KEYDOWN - Discard key presses generated from
Windows auto-repeat (these sorts of auto-repeats are handled by X).
(Takuma Murakami)

4) winmouse.c - Remap mouse buttons here when XFree86Server and
XINPUT are defined, since this combination of flags prevents a lower
layer from performing such remapping.  The end result is that
remapping mouse buttons works for the first time.  (Takuma

5) winconfig.c - Load the US keyboard layout for Japanese keyboards.
This ensures that WM_KEYUP messages are sent for the Caps Lock
key.  (Takuma Murakami, Kensuke Matsuzaki)

6) win.h, winengine.c, winmultiwindowwindow.c, winmultiwindowwm.c,
winpfbdd.c, winshaddd.c, winshadddnl.c, winshadgdi.c, winwindow.h -
Add an engine-specific function that is called after a Windows-window
is created in -multiwindow mode.  This is a start for adding
DirectDraw support to -multiwindow mode.  However, I got a little
confused here and thought that one primary surface would need to be
created per window, which is not correct.  There will be one primary
surface with a clip list that causes blits to stay within the region
of all of our visible windows.  In any case, this is a step in the
right direction.  There code is currently disabled since the engine
setting code only allows the GDI engine when -multiwindow is being
used.  (Harold L Hunt II)

Harold Hunt

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Once you've downloaded setup.exe, run it and select "XFree86"
and then click on the appropriate field until the above announced
version number appears if it is not displayed already.

If your mirror doesn't yet have the latest version of this package after
24 hours, you can either continue to wait for that site to be updated or
you can try to find another mirror.

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