Updated: XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-22

Dr. Volker Zell Dr.Volker.Zell@oracle.com
Tue Nov 11 17:17:00 GMT 2003

>>>>> "Harold" == Harold L Hunt, <Harold> writes:

    Harold> Are you using the -kb or -xkb parameters?  I don't remember what the
    Harold> name of the parameter is that disables the repeats, but the above
    Harold> seems close.

No, but I found the culprit. I once downloaded a XF86Config-4 file from the
net and placed it under /etc/X11
There was an entry

 Option "AutoRepeat" "500 20"

After changing it to "200 40" woooow, it works even better as before...

    Harold> Harold


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