Updated: XFree86-bin-4.3.0-8, XFree86-etc-4.3.0-6, XFree86-fsrv-4.3.0-6, XFree86-prog-4.3.0-11, XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-23, XFree86-[nest,prt,vfb]-4.3.0-5

Dr. Volker Zell Dr.Volker.Zell@oracle.com
Tue Nov 18 19:45:00 GMT 2003

>>>>> "Harold" == Harold L Hunt, <Harold> writes:

    Harold> The following packages have been updated in the Cygwin distribution:
    Harold> *** XFree86-fsrv-4.3.0-6

It's missing its man-page again.

    Harold> *** XFree86-prog-4.3.0-11

I get an additional symbolic link 

/usr/X11R6/include/X11/X11  --> /usr/X11R6/include/X11

after the postinstall script is run. I would recommend changing
the postinstall script to:

---------------------  cut -----------------------------------

# Create an empty host.def if one doesn't exist already
touch /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config/host.def

# Create a link in /usr/include to the X11 includes directory
if [ ! -L /usr/include/X11 ]
  ln -sf /usr/X11R6/include/X11 /usr/include/X11
---------------------  cut -----------------------------------


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