Cut-Copy/Paste dies after several hours (-clipboard)

Holger Krull
Wed Nov 19 15:59:00 GMT 2003

Jay Smith schrieb:

>    I am using the -clipboard option.  I am not sure why I am not using 
> xwinclip -- there was something that did not work at some point.

I'm using xwinclip and it's stops sometimes too. In most cases a restart 
will help.
I'm starting it with xwinclip --display from bash.
and xwin needs -ac as an option though i don't understand why.

> 2) In case anybody is inspired to work on it, I still have the problem 
> that if I don't get logged in to the XDM "instantly", the cut-copy/paste 

Now i understand why i never got -clipboard to work.

    Holger Krull

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