in xemacs or emacs the highlight disappeared, problems related to clipboard

Hong Zhou
Wed Nov 26 00:07:00 GMT 2003

Dear All,

I use cygwin/Xserver on my win2000 as multiwindow mode. It is a great 
work. I have two problems.
1. )It is good to copy between windows and X programs, so I start the 
Xserver with the parameter '-clipborad'.  When press the left button of  
mouse to highlight a region and release the button the highlight 
disappeared automatically.  And in the xemacs(emacs)mini window shows a 
message "mark set". The normal response should keep the highligh. Start 
the Xserver without the parameter '-clipboard', xemacs works normally.
2.)I have a dictionary program to pick up the words in the sreen. After 
I start local emacs in the cygwin shell , the program can't pick up any 

I thought it was the clipboard 's bug, wasn't it?

Thank you very much,

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