Ctrl-C propagates

Dai Itasaka ditasaka@silverbacksystems.com
Thu Oct 9 18:52:00 GMT 2003

Just like Start->All Programs->Cygwin->Cygwin Bash Shell points to
a DOS batch file named "\cygwin\cygwin.bat", I created a similar
batch file that invokes tcsh instead of bash.

In this tcsh window, I type "startxwin.sh", which gives me a big root
X windows managed by twm and an xterm with tcsh running as a login
shell. I open up a few more xterm windows with tcsh. Now I have
several xterm windows running in X.

I go back to the first tcsh window where I typed startxwin.sh and I
enter Ctrl-C in there. Then all of the xterm windows in X get a newline
at the shell prompt. If I have an ssh session in xterm, it gets killed.
If I left the more command, it gets killed.

Looks like every xterm windows receives a signal as a result of
entering Ctrl-C in the tcsh window.

I have read that the Ctrl-C terminates an ssh session in the cygwin ML.
I just wanted to confirm if that really happens. Now I got this.

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