Enabling cygwin.rules/SharedLibFont

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Mon Oct 20 18:53:00 GMT 2003

Alexander Gottwald wrote:

> Harold L Hunt II wrote:
>>This all gets down to one question: does it make any sense and is there
>>any benefit to building a shared Xfont lib?
> I'll take a look too. I'd like to see the clients (luit, xfs ...) work
> with the shared library.

Okay, please do.  I don't think luit and xfs worked even with the static 
library, so they are probably just as broken with the shared library as 
they were before.  Let me know what you find.

>>I can't see any good
>>reasons for it.  Well, the one good reason is that the size of XWin.exe
>>drops by about 600 KiB, but that is about it.
> This would add a new dependency to the xserver binary. Nearly everything
> in the xserver is linked staticly and I think this was done to make the
> independend of the other X11 client libraries.

I don't know why that would really matter: the 600 KiB of built-in 
library would be replaced with 600 KiB of a shared library.  XWin.exe 
already depends upon Xlib and Xext libs, so it wouldn't be a big deal to 
depend on one more lib that is included in the same package, especially 
when the overall size doesn't increase any.

I have been thinking about this more, and it might actually be a good 
idea to try to save that 600 KiB in XWin.exe.  See, the XFree86-xserv 
package gets updated weekly and sometimes daily, while the Xfont lib is 
unlikely to be updated except at major releases.  It would be nice of us 
to try to save 600 KiB from every download of XFree86-xserv that our 
loyal users make.  600 KiB times several hundred users times a couple 
updates a week is a lot of bandwidth that we could save our mirrors. 
Every little bit helps.

What do you think of that?


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