no key input

Harold L Hunt II
Fri Oct 24 21:24:00 GMT 2003


Very good documentation of your bug.  Thanks.

One undocumented change I made somewhere between October 4th and October
24th was to include the final version of Ivan Pascal's
xc/programs/Xserver/os/WaitFor.c patch:

I suspect that this patch may be involved with the keyboard focus
problems, since the problem seems to affect multi-window, rootless, and
standard modes of operation.  I have not yet merged Kensuke's new
rootless code into a release, so I know that his new code has nothing to
do with this at all.

I have built a special test version of XWin.exe for you to check out.
The test version's only difference from 4.3.0-20 is that it reverts the
above patch to WaitFor.c.  Please run it and report your results:

Thanks for testing,


Dai Itasaka wrote:

> My gives me the root window and an xterm window in it.
> I login to a remote host from this xterm after doing xhost for it.
> From there, I invoke xterm specifying the local PC as the display.
> Now I have two xterm windows here: one invoked locally, the other
> invoked from the remote host.
> TWM is my window manager. My preference is to show the IconManager
> at the upper right hand corner of the root, in which I can move
> from one icon to the next by pressing the keyboard combo specified
> in the ~/.twmrc as "f.downiconmgr" or "f.upiconmgr". If I press
> the key combo, no matter where the mouse cursor is at, it jumps
> to the IconManager area and points to the window that has the keyboard
> focus at the time. As I press the "up" or the "down" key, the mouse
> cursor jumps to one icon up or down, and the keyboard focus moves
> to the corresponding window at once. This is the equivalent of
> MS Windows' Alt-Tab for me in X(no autoraise by default though).
> This is how I move the keyboard focus from one window to another.
> I can't live without this as I have been doing this for over 10
> years now. I'm so accustomed to it that I sometimes do it in MS
> Windows.
> Now, with the latest Cygwin install, I still can move the keyboard
> focus by pressing the "up" or "down" key, thus I can toggle the
> keyboard focus between the two xterm windows I mentioned above.
> But, the xterm that is locally executed(cygwin xterm) doesnt take
> any key input unless I move the mouse cursor over the xterm
> window area, while the one that is remotely executed can take key
> inputs as usual without moving a mouse(the mouse cursor stays in
> the IconManager area).
> Until the one before the latest(XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-18?), this was
> not the case. I was able to move around AND TYPE. Something that
> was added since then broke this capability.

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