cut and paste between Cygwin emacs and Win2k windows?

Jason Dufair
Tue Sep 2 19:22:00 GMT 2003

If you run emacs under XFree86 with a recent "server test series",
xclipboard is integrated and this happens automatically.  Dunno about
selecting text with a mouse, but C-w/M-w works great. writes:

> Is there a way to select text in a cygwin emacs window, copy it, and paste it into a Win2k window? In linux, for example, KDE provides a clipboard utility (Klipper?) that provides this capability.
> best,
> cyggie stardust

Jason Dufair -
"Our task must be to free ourselves...
by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures
and the whole of nature and its beauty."
-- Albert Einstein

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