Xwin stackdump while logging into RH8 with KDE as window manager

Joel Rosi-Schwartz Joel.Rosi-Schwartz@Etish.org
Fri Sep 5 09:50:00 GMT 2003


I tried both and the behaviour prevails.

Just to make sure we are on the same page, I would like to reiterate 
that the problem only occurs when I log into pre-existing kde 
configurations. If I log in under a clean kde environment all is fine. 
It appears to be something that I configured in the kde desktop. I am 
suspicious that somewhere along the line I have set the screen 
resolution from within kde, but for life of me I can not find such an 
option on the kde desktop tools. I have tried giving the startX command 
the -screen option, but that does not seem to alter any noticeable 

- joel

Harold L Hunt II wrote:

> Joel,
> Okay, on the off chance that something strange is happening, please 
> try changing the "-from `hostname`" to "-from %my_ip_address%".  Also, 
> try leaving off the -from altogether if you only have one network 
> interface in your computer.
> Harold
> Joel Rosi-Schwartz wrote:
>> Harold,
>> Gave it a shot but it still core dumps. Thanks for the idea though.
>> - joel
>> Harold L Hunt II wrote:
>>> Joel,
>>> We had some problems a long while back with 24 and 32 bit color and 
>>> KDE.  Try dropping your Windows color depth to 16 bits per pixel and 
>>> report your results.
>>> Thanks for testing,
>>> Harold
>>> Joel Rosi-Schwartz wrote:
>>>> Andrew Markebo wrote:
>>>>> What happens if you pick away the export DISPLAY? 
>>>> No effect, it behaves the same either way. The thing is that it all 
>>>> works fine if the kde environment of the user logging in is virgin. 
>>>> Something in the KDE environment that has been configured at some 
>>>> point in the past is now causing a core dump on the new machines.  
>>>> Our old machines continue to function normally.  The ultimate 
>>>> solution is to simply remove our existing .kde directories and 
>>>> reconfigure our desktops from scratch. That is real boring work but 
>>>> in the end may be the simplest solution.
>>>> - joel
>>>>>     /Andy
>>>>> / Joel Rosi-Schwartz <Joel.Rosi-Schwartz@Etish.org> wrote:
>>>>> | I do not understand why, but both times that I attached my 
>>>>> startX file
>>>>> | it seems be unreadable. Here are the contents:
>>>>> |
>>>>> | export PATH="/usr/X11R6/bin:$PATH"
>>>>> | export DISPLAY=
>>>>> |
>>>>> | cd c:/tmp
>>>>> | nohup /usr/X11R6/bin/XWin -query athena -from `hostname` 
>>>>> 2>/dev/null&
>>>>> |
>>>>> | # I have also tried the following
>>>>> | # /usr/X11R6/bin/XWin -screen 0 1024 768 -engine 4 -query athena 
>>>>> -from
>>>>> | `hostname`
>>>>> |
>>>>> | - joel
>>>>> |
>>>>> |

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