Italian keyboard and cygwin/xfree

Alexander Gottwald
Wed Sep 10 09:42:00 GMT 2003

On Wed, 10 Sep 2003, Massimo De Benedetti wrote:

> For what I understood everything looks ok but my keyboard does not work 
> properly in the xterm nor does it work in every other application that I 
> launch from the xterm. Is there anything that I overlooked?
> Here is the list of the characters that I get typing the first row of my 
> keyboard+shift in the x terminal:
> ~!@#$%^&*()_+
> Here is what you would get from an italian keyboard:
> |!"£$%&/()=?^

Your logfile does not reveal a common problem, but anyway, is /tmp mounted
in textmode? To check you'll have to run mount and search for an entry
/tmp or if this entry does not exist then the entry for / does apply.
If the entry is marked with "(textmode)" then you have to remount /tmp to 

 mount -buf "$(cygpath -m /tmp)" /tmp 

If this does not help, please try if you can switch the layout with this command

 setxkbmap -v it -model pc102

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