Still getting Signal 11 error msg

Harold L Hunt II
Sat Sep 13 17:37:00 GMT 2003

That's what I get for replying to email from bed on a Saturday morning.


Christopher Faylor wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 13, 2003 at 01:15:48PM -0400, Harold L Hunt II wrote:
>>Don't send these messages to the Cygwin maiiling list.  That will only 
>>lead to them ignoring you if you later have a legitimate question.
> Hmm.  AFAICT, this discussion does belong in both groups until we narrow
> down what is causing the crash.
>>You say you are getting a "Signal 11" error message, but I don't see a 
>>reference to which program is actually crashing.
> Previous email mentions that the program in question is xdvi.  It even
> received confirmation, right here in cygwin-xfree.  However neither of
> the previous messages nor this message are going to help much since
> there is no accompanying information about the environment in which the
> crashes occur.  This is why the standard response is to direct people to
> the problems page where attaching cygcheck output is suggested.
> Attaching cygcheck output is something that Fergus has seemed reluctant
> to do.  The cygwin problems page also has a lot of tips for reporting
> problems, one of which is to not send email with vague subjects.
> I have already requested that the xdvi package maintainer jump into
> this discussion so maybe they will have some insight.
> cgf

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