Special Windows keys (Alt+Tab, Windows key, etc.)

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Sat Apr 3 22:25:00 GMT 2004

I've got trapping and passing of Alt+Tab working correctly in CVS.  The 
Windows key is almost ready to go; I trap it correctly but we don't have 
XK_Super_L or XK_Super_R in our keymap yet, nor do we have these being 
marked as modifiers.  It seems that we can use Mod4Mask for these in 
place of the Kana keys since the Kana keys are not in our keyboard map 
either... or is that not correct if a Japanese keyboard layout is ever 
loaded?  If the Kana modifier is used then we will have to conditionally 
use modifier 4 for the Windows key or the Kana key, depending on whether 
or not a Japanese keyboard layout is loaded.

Are there any other key combos people want passed before I release this 
tomorrow?  I think that Ctrl+Esc and Alt+Esc should probably get passed 
as well.  Anything else?


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