Do I need XFree86 now that XOrg-x11 is the default X-windowing system?

Harold L Hunt II
Thu Apr 8 17:30:00 GMT 2004

Anybody wrote:

> Do I need XFree86 now that XOrg-x11 is the default X-windowing system?
> When I do a fresh install, I see that a couple of packages in the removed
> packages section are still selected.
> These are XFree86-base and XFree86-bin.  Are these really necessary is I
> install xorg-x11-base and xorg-xll-bin?

Those packages are all empty, they are just used to force removal of the 
files from those packages before the files from the xorg-x11-* packages 
are installed.  If we didn't do this and you later removed the XFree86-* 
packages you'd end up deleting files from the xorg-x11-* packages, which 
you don't want to do.

In other words, just ignore the XFree86-* packages in the 
ZZZRemovedPackages category, they contain no files and don't matter to 
you anymore.


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