I miss files and openssl doesnt want to install

Brian Ford ford@vss.fsi.com
Thu Apr 8 17:57:00 GMT 2004

This is not related to Cygwin/X.  As such, I have redirected futher
discussion to the main Cygwin mailing list.  Please consult
http://cygwin.com/lists.html before posting again.

Also, please consult http://cygwin.com/problems.html for the required way
to submit a useful problem report.

Finally, please search the mailing list archives before posting.  Often,
you question has already been asked and answered.  Note: Using google as
your search engine with a "site:cygwin.com" keyword will often produce
better results than the search engine provided at cygwin.com.

On Thu, 8 Apr 2004, Inqu wrote:

> Where can I find the rxvt-thingie?

To answer question like this in general, please consult the package search
facility available at http://cygwin.com/packages.

I also suggest you read http://cygwin.com/faq/faq_toc.html#TOC13 and the
following entry since it seems you did not understand what they have to

> Today I dloaded openssl 0.9.7d, located the compiler and perl from
> internet and installed it.
> The install went ok but the openssl doesnt work (or I cant find it).
> Is the ssl installed now or not and how can I find it?

No, it is not.  Again, consulting the package search facility mentioned
above will solve your problem.

> I'm using "mingw" compiler, and winxp.

If you're using the mingw compiler, then this question is off topic even
for the main Cygwin list.  Please consult mingw-users at


Brian Ford
Senior Realtime Software Engineer
VITAL - Visual Simulation Systems
FlightSafety International
Phone: 314-551-8460
Fax:   314-551-8444

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