XWin options lack of documentation.

Rodrigo Medina rodmedina@cantv.net
Fri Apr 9 07:08:00 GMT 2004

 Hi all,

I am working to update XWin.man. I have found that: 

1)The following options of XWin are active but ARE NOT documented either
in the X-UG or in the -help option of XWin.

   Option            X-UG     -help option
-help                NO          Yes
-logfile             NO          NO
-logverbose          NO          NO
-nounicodeclipboard  NO          Yes
-xkblayout           NO          Yes
-xkbrules            NO          Yes
-xkbmodel            NO          Yes
-xkbvariant          NO          Yes
-xkboptions          NO          Yes
-[no]keyhook         NO          NO

2)The following inactive options ARE documented in the UG:


3)There is a BUG with the -logverbose option. It requires an integer
parameter. If such parameter isn't given the alert panel appears and
the help text is written in XWin.log as expected, but then there is a
Segmentation Fault crash. Perhaps, instead of finishing, the program
tries to continue with a nonexistent parameter.

1)I understand that the parameter of the -logverbose option controls
the degree of "verbosity" of log messages. But I have found that there
is no effect in the XWin.log file as the value of the parameter is changed.
 The only effect I have found is a shorter output of the log messages
that are directed to the console when the parameter is negative. It is
really that the intended behavior? If such were the case, it is not
simpler to have an option without parameter with a name like -noconsolelog? 

2)Will be the -emulatepseudo option eventually  activated?.
 If that were the case I can leave the description of the option in the
man page with the indication that it is still not implemented.

Rodrigo Medina

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