XWin w/out -nodecoration running in background doesn't display anything

Holger Krull holger.krull@gmx.de
Fri Apr 9 16:00:00 GMT 2004

> Sure.  Call CreateProcess with appropriate flags, just like run.exe
> does...

Thank you, that's the solution.
I didn't know this program. I now can call Xwin without having an 
additional shell window. The needed command for me is :

E:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c -l 'run bash -c -l "CYGWIN=server Xwin.exe 
-query murpel -fp tcp/murpel:7100 -dpi 100 -clipboard -once &" '

Before someone asks, the reason for the additional bash is my whish to 
avoid having cygwin directorys in my windows path. So
\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\run.exe bash -c -l "Xwin.exe -query SOMENAME &" 
will probably do for everyone else.

Thank you for your help


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