XWinrc Bugs

Rodrigo Medina rodmedina@cantv.net
Tue Apr 13 07:02:00 GMT 2004

Hi all,

I have more about the XWinrc bugs.
In the mean time I have installed the 20040411 snapshot and
the Xwin6.7-3

1) The ICONS XWinrc instruction that was not working at all now works,
but only if the DEFAULTICON isn't defined. If DEFAULTICON is defined
SOME TIMES that icon is displayed instead of the specific one.

2) Still the XWin -multiwindow produces windows which menus lack
Minimize, Maximize and Restore, but ...

3) If one uses XWinrc to include a RELOAD menu item in any window or
in the taskbar icon, and one clicks it, all the windows that are opened
at that time will be cured, i.e. the Minimize, Maximize and Restore items
reappear.  New windows will be still wrong.

4) RELOAD also cures the specific icon patology of point 1).

5) Some times the X button and the Close menu-item do not function.

I give the XWin.log that corresponds to the following actions:
XWin -multiwindow &
xeyes &    --- displays its own icon (OK)
xterm &    --- displays the DEFAULTICON  (OK)
xfigure &  --- displays the DEFAULTICON  (wrong)

In all three menus Minimize, Maximize and Restore items were missing.

Then the RELOAD item of the X taskbar menu was clicked. The three menus
were cured and also xfigure displayed the right icon.

In this case for all three windows the X button was not working.
xfigure was closed with its own quit button. Xtem was closed  by
typing exit and xeyes was closed with kill -9 PID.

If the same actions are repeated, some times xfigure displays the
right icon and some times the X buttons do work.


Rodrigo Medina
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