Icons in 6.7-6

Earle F. Philhower III earle@ziplabel.com
Mon Apr 26 00:17:00 GMT 2004


At 01:18 PM 4/25/2004 -0400, Lev S Bishop wrote:
>The recent changes from LoadIcon to LoadImage, while technically The Right
>Thing, have made the default X icon less pretty in the small size (ie in
>window titles, on the taskbar). I can explain in detail the cause of this
>if anyone cares. Last night I was toying in my head with a few ideas for
>extensions to the current icon handling system that would cover this and a
>few other nitpicky icon prettiness issues in a more general/complete way
>-- I'll probably have a go at coding those ideas up next weekend if I
>don't get a chance before.

Sure, I'd like to hear the cause!  Were you planning on sidestepping the
issue by making a wrapper around the ICON/IMAGE to keep track of whether you
LoadIcon()'d or LoadImaged()'d them, so you know how to get rid of them?

I also stumbled upon the cygwin calls for converting from cygwin paths to
Win32 paths, it may make sense to support both path types when specifying
from where to load ICONs.

PNG icon support would be neat and easy too, but it doesn't look like
libpng is standard in the X tree and I wouldn't want to add dependencies...

-Earle F. Philhower, III
  cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel

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