XWin never reads the authority file

Aravind aravind_junk@yahoo.com
Wed Apr 28 18:40:00 GMT 2004

X authentication using MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 fails but
xhost based
authentication is working.

XWin on Windows XP Professional, X client from Redhat

CYGWIN_NT-5.1 MYMACHINE 1.5.9(0.112/4/2) 2004-03-18
23:05 i686
unknown unknown Cygwin

XWin -audit 4 -fullscreen -clipboard -auth


AUDIT: Wed Apr 28 11:05:53 2004: 3132 XWin: client 1
rejected from IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port 39784
Auth name: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 ID: -1
winProcEstablishConnection - ProcEstablishConnection
failed, bailing.
AUDIT: Wed Apr 28 11:05:53 2004: 3132 XWin: client 1

Xlib: connection to "mymachine:0.0" refused by server
Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
Error: Can't open display: mymachine:0

Using FileMonitor from sysinternals I found that XWin
NEVER reads the
authfile that I specify on the command line. How does
XWin gets the cookies
if it never reads the file? I am not sure whether this
is the error I may
be wrong. I have included only the relevant output.

11:05:53 AM	XWin.exe:3132	QUERY INFORMATION
C:\myhome\authfile	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
11:05:53 AM	XWin.exe:3132	OPEN	C:\myhome\authfile
SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: All	
11:05:53 AM	XWin.exe:3132	QUERY INFORMATION
C:\myhome\authfile	SUCCESS	FileFsVolumeInformation	
11:05:53 AM	XWin.exe:3132	QUERY INFORMATION
C:\myhome\authfile	BUFFER OVERFLOW	FileAllInformation	
11:05:53 AM	XWin.exe:3132	OPEN	C:\myhome\authfile
SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: All	
11:05:53 AM	XWin.exe:3132	QUERY INFORMATION
C:\myhome\authfile	SUCCESS	FileCompressionInformation	
11:05:53 AM	XWin.exe:3132	CLOSE	C:\myhome\authfile
11:05:53 AM	XWin.exe:3132	OPEN	C:\myhome\authfile
SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00020000	
11:05:53 AM	XWin.exe:3132	QUERY SECURITY
C:\myhome\authfile	BUFFER OVERFLOW		
11:05:53 AM	XWin.exe:3132	CLOSE	C:\myhome\authfile
11:05:53 AM	XWin.exe:3132	OPEN	C:\myhome\authfile
SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00020000	
11:05:53 AM	XWin.exe:3132	QUERY SECURITY
C:\myhome\authfile	SUCCESS		
11:05:53 AM	XWin.exe:3132	CLOSE	C:\myhome\authfile
11:05:53 AM	XWin.exe:3132	CLOSE	C:\myhome\authfile

There should be atleast one READ in the 3rd column
right? I do see READ for
other files that XWin uses. Thanks for any help.
Please CC me as I am not
subscribed to the ML.


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