installing a window manager - help please - answers to helpers questions

Ken Dibble
Tue Aug 10 01:21:00 GMT 2004 wrote:

>Ok, thankyou to all the replies so far - I appreciate it very much.  It's
>still not working but here are the answers to your questions:
>>From Ken Dibble -
>>Immediately after you do the install (i.e. before you make changes),
>>what happens when you double-click startxwin.bat?
>It starts X (I get the X in the toolbar) and a basic bash terminal window.
>>From Thomas Chadwick -
>>Have you found/read this?
>Yep, but all it says is the different ways of starting, none of which bring
>up a window manager with the ability to do things like spawn a new xterm.
>This is where I start to feel frustrated, because it seems that you're
>implying that this part of the guide tells you how to do that, but I can't
>for the life of me see where.
>>From Fergus -
><edited for brevity>
>3.   /usr/X11R6/bin/run /usr/X11R6/bin/XWin -nolisten local -multiwindow
>     /bin/xterm -display localhost:0.0
>Ok, I tried that, and what happens is that I get a background (i.e. the
>start of what might eventually become a window manager!) and then in a
>different Windows window I get an xterm.  This xterm is also copied as an
>embedded xterm in the background, and I can type commands in either and
>they are reflected in the other.  If I shut one then the other shuts. I
>can't right click on the background and create another xterm.
>Thanks again, and any other suggestions are very welcome,

I'm a little confused by the copying of xterms and the reflection of 
commands between xterms.

what happens when you try "xterm &" in a x-term window?

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