_impure_ptr warning in install

george young gry@ll.mit.edu
Fri Dec 3 21:56:00 GMT 2004

[Xwin, Windows XP pro 5.1, experienced with linux X, not a windows or cygwin hacker]

I just did a full uninstall of cygwin everything, using the setup program.
Then I installed:
[setup version 2.427, from mirror.mcs.anl.gov] 

base/          cygwin emu engine  1.5.12-1
X11/           X-start-menu-icons 1.0.3-2
               X-startup-scripts  1.0.10-2

net/           inetutils          1.3.2-28

interpreters/  python

During the install I several times got the message:

"The procedure entry point _impure_ptr could not be located in cygwin1.dll"

Is something broken in the current release? 

-- George Young

"Are the gods not just?"  "Oh no, child.
What would become of us if they were?" (CSL)

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