Possible to use clipboard with remote/xdm connection?

Chris Green chris@areti.co.uk
Fri Jan 2 15:20:00 GMT 2004

Well I'm getting a little further with this problem but I'm still
hitting the fundamental problem that xhost can't set the required
local display permission so that xwinclip can be run.

Thus I have the following .bat file to start the xdm session:-



    SET CYGWIN_ROOT=\cygwin

    SET PATH=.;%CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin;%CYGWIN_ROOT%\usr\X11R6\bin;%PATH%

    REM Cleanup after last run.

    if not exist %CYGWIN_ROOT%\tmp\.X11-unix\X0 goto CLEANUP-FINISH
    attrib -s %CYGWIN_ROOT%\tmp\.X11-unix\X0
    del %CYGWIN_ROOT%\tmp\.X11-unix\X0

    if exist %CYGWIN_ROOT%\tmp\.X11-unix rmdir

    echo startxdmcp.bat - Starting on Windows NT/2000/XP

    start /B XWin -query %REMOTE_HOST%
    start /B xhost
    start /B xwinclip

The "start /B xhost" and the "start /B xwinclip" both fail
because they haven't got permission to access display

How on earth can one set this permission if xhost can't be run?

The xterm one is running in has permission to display so why can't
xhost and xwinterm display there too?

Chris Green (chris@areti.co.uk)

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