XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-32 tests

Øyvind Harboe oyvind.harboe@zylin.com
Tue Jan 6 09:10:00 GMT 2004


Here are the tests I did that all worked fine:

- Copy piece of text under Linux, paste in Windows.
- Copy openoffice formula under Linux, paste in Linux
- Copy openoffice cell range under Linux, paste in Linux Evolution HTML
- Copy norwegian letters from Linux, paste in Windows

This was a bit surprising:

1. Copy cell range under Linux openoffice
2. Copy text under Windows 
3. Paste using scrolling wheel under Linux -> text shows
4. Paste in Evolution HTML email under Linux using ctrl-v openoffice
cell range, cell range showed.

This failed:

- Copy Norwegian letters from evolution email, paste under Windows.
Paste in Windows shows "\x{00D8}\x{00C5}\x{00C6}"


- I've had a problem in the past that when I specify the -clipboard
option, XWin.exe will sometimes crash with a NULL pointer access
violation. This sometimes happened during normal operation, but more
often when I exited XWin.exe via the taskbar icon. After about 10-15
minutes of testing, I haven't been able to reproduce this problem.


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