XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-32 tests

Andrew Braverman abraverman@itms.com
Tue Jan 6 18:45:00 GMT 2004

I tried this version and it solves the problem that I saw yesterday
with -31.  I have, however, found a few issues that I thought you should at
least be aware of.

	1. XWin is taking a lot more system resources than it usually does.  This
may be related to
	2. XWin is doing a lot of debug logging to XWin.log.  I understand that
this may be on purpose, but figured I would mention it.
	3. I do not know if it was this version or something just before, but my
autorepeat does not seem to work (even though xset q shows it on).

Thanks again for the wonderful work you are doing.

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