XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-33 release pending

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Thu Jan 8 18:27:00 GMT 2004


Holger Krull wrote:

> Hello,
> i installed the -33 Version and the -clipboard feature doesn't work.
> I started with xwin +kb -xkbmap de -query murpel -from -fp 
> tcp/ -dpi 100 -once -clipboard
> What's different here? Xwinclip still works but needs -ac.

Thanks, the log file was very useful.

What is happening is that we have to wait to start the clipboard client 
until XDM has finished killing any connected clients.  There is not a 
well-defined event that I can use to track this, so I have to try to 
find an artifact of the startup process that works with most XDM/KDM/GDM 

The current triggers I am using work fine with my KDM implementation, 
but they appear not to work with your XDM implementation.  So, I will 
have to tweak the triggers a bit to see if I can make them more robust.

Thanks for the report.  Patiently wait for 4.3.0-34.



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