XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-34 crash

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Sat Jan 10 17:02:00 GMT 2004


Øyvind Harboe wrote:

> This crash seems to be very similar to what I've seen in previous releases. I have the
> impression that it happens most often when I select a message in Evolution.

I believe that the crash is happening because there are no checks to 
make sure that the clipboards are only synchronized when supported 
formats (text and Unicode text) are being copied to the clipboard.

In other words, if you try to copy an image in X11 we will grab 
ownership of the Win32 clipboard and advertise that we have text ready 
to paste on the Win32 clipboard.  We will also grab ownership of the 
PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD selections in X11 when you copy an image in Win32 
and we will attempt to request the clipboard data in CF_TEXT or 
CF_UNICODETEXT formats when that data is pasted in X11; obviously, this 
does not work.

I do not believe that there were ever any reals checks to prevent this 
from happening before... or maybe it just worked out that checks were 
not needed as a side effect of how the previous system worked.

In any case, I am writing up a list of things that need to be done to 
ensure that we only synchronize the Win32 and X11 clipboards when 
supported formats (text and Unicode text) are being advertised on either 
clipboard.  In all other cases we need to keep the Win32 and X11 
clipboards independent of each other so that they don't try to transfer 
unsupported formats between each other.

This will probably be posted as XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-35 later today or in 
a few days.

Thanks for testing,


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