ghostscript cygwin file loading problems ...

B. Marchand
Sun Jan 18 18:41:00 GMT 2004

Well, apparently you can also trick gs, at least through xfig, into 
thinking the path has no spaces. If I create a symbolic link under 
/home/mylogin called My_Documents that points to "/cygdrive/c/Documents 
and Settings/mylogin/My Documents" then I have no such problems, since 
all my other folders have no spaces in them. Now, xv still has this 
problem but, oh well! Thanks for the hint. That works for either of them.


>     * /From/: "Karl M" <karlm30 at hotmail dot com>
>     * /To/: cygwin at cygwin dot com, cygwin-apps at cygwin dot com
>     * /Date/: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 10:23:12 -0800
>     * /Subject/: Re: ghostscript cygwin file loading problems ...
>     * /Bcc/:
> As a workaround, you can open them with a DOS path to the file. For 
> example
> C:\DOCUME~1\...
>On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 11:41:02AM -0500, B. Marchand wrote:
>>I've encountered this issue with several programs that try to use gs to
>>load EPS files (such as xfig and xv). It seems that gs has some issues
>>with file paths that have spaces in them. So, I can't open any files
>>that are located under "Documents and Settings" because of the spaces.
>>For instance, xv simply will not load the file at all. Similarly, xfig
>>will allow me to insert the file but will not export it to any format
>>because it cannot access the file path and, hence, does not recognize
>>the file in the end. I am running version 3.5.8 at the present time.
>>Even if I manage to save the file as a *.fig, when I try to load it
>>later it says that the figure inside does not exist because it can't
>>access the file.
>>I know it's not a problem with xv or xfig because I have no problems
>>opening and inserting jpeg images from these same directories. It only
>>happens when I try inserting EPS files.
>>I can't tell from the archives that this issue has either been
>>documented or addressed before. Can anyone tall me if they can duplicate
>>the problem? Try going into xfig, and inserting an EPS file. Then, try
>>saving the figure and exporting it.
>>I'm not certain if this issue has been documented in the past or not but
>>there it is. Hope that gets addressed at some point.
>>Thank you.
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