non-widget child "DropSiteManager" error (WAS: RE: Grace (xmgrace) 5.1.12-1 ... )

Atwood, Robert C
Tue Jan 20 18:31:00 GMT 2004

No huge rush, I am getting the graphing I want done using Grace on a
linux box, no reason other than a bit of convenience to do it on a
window/cygwin installation.. 

What I did: Building lesstif -- just using the provided script (for now,
without even trying debugging)
Sorry this is my first exposure to the cygwin building scripts, I am not
sure what it did with my config.log, but it is the script included in
0.93.91-6, using <package>.sh all 
            Installing lesstif -- untarred the resulting archive into
the / location

            Configuring grace -- prep
                                 export X_EXTRA_LIBS="-lXft -lfontconfig
                                 cd grace-5.1.12
--with-motif-library-/usr/X11R6/lib/libXm.a  [--enable-debug] (tried
                                 make tests

The errors occurred here. I tried some other ways of getting the
librarys included (before I settled on this way) with identical results.
With the lesstif installed from the binary package via setup, the tests
work (but crash, as mentioned, with a seg fault if an axis dialog is
opened) In this case no graphs open, only the error message (non-widget
etc.) in the parent terminal window.

I am not sure why X_EXTRA_LIBS were needed when they were not needed
when I compiled grace using the lesstif that was installed from the
binary package. This was very confusing. As far as I can tell, these
libraries are not part of lesstif,(are they?) 

Final linking line:

gcc -O2 -mcpu=pentiumpro -fno-common -Wall -pedantic -Wpointer-arith
-Wnested-externs -I.. -I. -I../T1lib/t1lib -I../Xbae
-I/usr/X11R6/include main.o plotone.o files.o ssdata.o utils.o
drawticks.o nonlfit.o lmdif.o as274c.o fit.o fourier.o graphs.o
graphutils.o setutils.o regionutils.o objutils.o computils.o defaults.o
params.o draw.o dlmodule.o pars.o missing.o  iofilters.o dates.o
t1fonts.o device.o dummydrv.o mfdrv.o mifdrv.o psdrv.o pdfdrv.o svgdrv.o
gd.o rstdrv.o mathstuff.o Tab.o motifutils.o compwin.o comwin.o
eblockwin.o editpwin.o events.o featext.o fileswin.o plotwin.o
graphappwin.o helpwin.o hotwin.o locatewin.o miscwin.o monwin.o
nonlwin.o printwin.o ptswin.o regionwin.o setwin.o strwin.o setappwin.o
tickwin.o worldwin.o fontwin.o xutil.o x11drv.o xmgrace.o -o xmgrace.exe
-L/usr/X11R6/lib   ../Xbae/Xbae/libXbae.a /usr/X11R6/lib/libXm.a -lXpm
-lXp -lXmu -lXt -lXext -lX11  -lSM -lICE -lXft  -lfontconfig -lXrender
../cephes/libcephes.a   ../T1lib/libt1.a  -ltiff -ljpeg -lpng -lz -lm  

Thanks again.
Dr. Robert Atwood
Research Associate
Dept. of Materials
Imperial College London
London, UK

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Brian Ford
Sent: 20 January 2004 17:24
Subject: RE: non-widget child "DropSiteManager" error (WAS: RE: Grace
(xmgrace) 5.1.12-1 ... )

On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Atwood, Robert C wrote:

> Dear Brian and other list people:
> Why am I trying to build it myself?
> Because the distributed package (0-93-91-5)  seems to cause another 
> problem, even the version that Harold Hunt patched (0.93.91-6) using 
> Danny Backx's fix for the bug I encounterd a few months ago, and have 
> no idea why it still crashes. I cannot find out in any more detail 
> unless I run with a debug-compiled version.
> Please see the archived thread on 'Grace (xmgrace) 5.1.12-1 ... ' for 
> much greater detail on this (including backtraces, etc)
Ok.  I'm way behind on my list traffic because of the flu, holidays, and
a funeral.  I have briefly scanned the thread you refer to now.

> Is there another way to get a debug-compiled version other than 
> building it myself?
Not that I know of.

> Harold's test-version of 0.93.94 seems to have this problem 
> (non-widget
> etc.) (if it really is from lesstif) and he says it causes problems
> nedit as well, so it is not a true release. But I am building a
> 0.93.91-6 without changes (at first) just to find out exactly where
> crash is coming from, but get this (different) problem.
It is from lesstif.

Could you post your exact link line?  I haven't had time to try the test
version yet.

> I certainly realize that a 'properly built' lesstif is what I want, in

> what way is my version not 'properly built'?  That is essentially what

> I was asking in the first place! However I followed Harold's 
> directions exactly without trying to patch it or even debug it (at 
> first) and I have this problem.
> How do I distinguish whether it is not 'properly built' or not 
> 'properly updated'? Which is the problem?
I don't know.  Properly linked might also be the problem, hence the
request above.  What did you pass to configure?

Did you try putting the extra freetype libs in LIBS?

> Can you provide details on what constitutes a 'properly updated' 
> lesstif? I got the source from 0.93.91-6 (one line different from
> 0.93.91-5)
That should be fine.

> Can you build xmgrace from source and then get the axis properties 
> dialog box (double click an axis) to open without crashing? (Note the 
> release 5-1-12-1 package binaries are compiled with STATIC libraries 
> from an earlier version of lesstif and do not crash.)
Maybe, but it'll be a while.

> > Update: by adding absolute paths to the missing libraries, I can get

> > it to compile,but now I get
> >
This is probably bad.  By "the libraries", you mean the dll's, or the
import libs?  You want the latter, I believe.

Sorry to be so sparse with the reply.  I'm really backed up right now.

Brian Ford
Senior Realtime Software Engineer
VITAL - Visual Simulation Systems
FlightSafety International
Phone: 314-551-8460
Fax:   314-551-8444

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